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Student Packages

Our curated student furniture packages are designed with a student in mind. Take the guesswork out of design and the legwork out of shopping, transporting
and assembling furniture.

  • Living Room Packages prev / next

    Student Furniture Packages

    Smaller Living Room 4 Pieces

    $206.00/per mo.

    Student Furniture Packages

    Larger Living Room 7 Pieces

    $563.00/per mo.

  • Bedroom Packages prev / next

    Student Furniture Packages

    Smaller Bedroom 4 Pieces

    $208.00/per mo.

    Student Furniture Packages

    Larger Bedroom 6 Pieces

    $382.00/per mo.

  • Dining Room Packages prev / next

    Student Furniture Packages

    Smaller Dining Room 4 Pieces

    $209.00/per mo.

    Student Furniture Packages

    Larger Dining Room 6 Pieces

    $248.00/per mo.

  • Home Office Packages prev / next

    Student Furniture Packages

    Smaller Home Office 3 Pieces

    $65.00/per mo.

    Student Furniture Packages

    Larger Home Office 3 Pieces

    $108.00/per mo.

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