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pays you $50 to rent this. Seriously!
Thank you for renting furniture with The Everset. Enjoy your purchase and Future will text you about your $50 reward!
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Auto Pay Terms and Conditions

You hereby authorize regularly scheduled charges to your selected payment method.   Your payment method will be charged automatically every thirty (30) days from the day you place your order for your full rental term.

You agree that any and all fees associated with the rental will be automatically charged to the selected payment method. You agree that no prior notification needs to be provided prior to each automatic payment. You understand and agree that this authorization will remain in effect until you cancel it by emailing

If the payment due date falls on a non-business day, weekend, or holiday I understand and agree that the payment may be withdrawn on the following business day. In the event the payment method is rejected for any reason, we may, in our sole discretion, attempt to process the payment method again, and you agree to be charged a fee for each attempt as a separate transaction from the authorized automatic recurring payment. If after two attempts, the payment method is rejected for any reason, you hereby agree that we may attempt to charge any amounts due to any stored and eligible payment methods you provided us and we have on record in our system.

We may cancel your authorization if any payment is returned or unpaid using your approved payment method. You agree that you have the means to print the authorization and these terms for you records.

Changes made to your payment method must be made at least 1 business day prior to the payment due date.  We may cancel this automatic recurring payment for any reason and will provide you notice of the same.

You are solely responsible for keeping any and all payment methods up to date and current.  

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